Production Chain

Culture of Excellence

Increasingly, consumers want to know where their food comes from.

How are the animals handled, the composition of the feed they eat, what is the work like in the slaughterhouse, and how does the result reach the supermarket shelf?
Ensuring quality and safety at every stage of the production chain is vital for Vibra. It is this care that guarantees the excellence of our products. Consumer preference is the result of this effort.
Global Pact

Full Production


Based on the pursuit of excellence in all its processes, Vibra follows the most advanced quality standards in the world.

All processes in the product development cycle undergo rigorous inspections, and all production is inspected and approved by the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture.

Producing food with quality and responsibility

Safely, ethically, legally, and authentically committed to meeting the chain's specifications, legislation, and procedures

  • We strive for continuous process and product improvement.
  • Our quality control practices are present throughout the chain.
  • We follow all national and international standards and legislation.
  • We are committed to animal welfare, first and foremost.

Traceability and guarantee of origin

Products are traced throughout the production chain, with total control and guarantee of origin.

At all stages, practices have been adopted to respect the natural growth cycle of the birds, which undergo the special care of the families of integrated producers without leaving aside environmental care.

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Qualifications and

Vibra is qualified to export its products to the most demanding markets in the world. And our certifications and qualifications are proof of our quality and excellence in everything we do.
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