Environmental Sustainability

Doing better is doing 100%.

Pillars such as environmental, social, and economic responsibility guide all Vibra's activities, make part of the company's core values and are the roots of the relationship the company establishes with its employees, suppliers, clients, and society.

Global Pact

Our principles and

The pursuit of sustainability is present in all our initiatives, with practices contributing to reducing environmental impact and increasing societal benefits.


100% of industrial waste is treated; 100% of energy sources are renewable; 100% of the steam that generates energy for production comes from reforested wood.


Water must be treated for consumption and use in the industrial process to meet standards and guarantee good quality. For this reason, all the effluent generated is purified following current environmental legislation.

Reverse Logistics

We are a member of the Brazilian Association of Reverse Logistics of Packaging (ASLORE), supporting the ANCAT project (Associação Nacional de Catadores e Catadoras de Materiais Recicláveis or National Association of Waste Pickers) to offset the impact that our packaging waste can have on society, the economy, and the environment.
demonstrativo de etapas de logística: 1 - Industria, 2 - Distribuidor, 3 - Varejo, 4 - Consumidor, 5 - Coleta e Seleção, 6 - Reciclagem
Selo Comerc Sinerconsult de Energia Renovável com duas setas representando ciclos em linhas finas preto e branco


Vibra's production units are certified for the appropriate use of renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Selo Clima Paraná 2019 escrito em letras grossas com brasão do estado à esquerda preto e branco


Vibra received this award for its sustainable initiatives at the Pato Branco plant in Paraná. The State Government's program encourages companies and organizations to account for greenhouse gas emissions, reduce them, and promote a low-carbon economy.

Recognitions and

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