Vibra provides professional relocation opportunities for foreigners of different nationalities who are looking for a fresh start in their lives. In the second half of 2021, in partnership with Operação Acolhida, from the Federal Government, and with the Humanitarian Organization Refúgio 343, it received 86 Venezuelan employees, in the units of Pato Branco and Itapejara D’Oeste (PR) .
The HR Coordinator of Pato Branco (PR), Jonas Theisen, reports that, even though both units already have a history of employing foreign employees, it is necessary to adapt some processes, at the beginning, to give peace of mind to those who are arriving. “They are people who are very dedicated to their work and have a history of struggles and difficulties. The desire to learn and start life in Brazil again is noticeable”, he highlights.
Valuing people is one of the priority commitments made by the company. With initiatives that promote the inclusion and social development of immigrants, Vibra provides access to employment for foreigners of 11 nationalities.
The HR specialist at the Pato Branco (PR) unit, Taciana Pezarico, comments on the hiring initiative “Inclusion and diversity with the hiring of Venezuelan refugees promotes positive values of citizenship, empathy and socialization. Furthermore, the knowledge and professional experiences they bring from their country add value to the company.”
To welcome the group of Venezuelans, Vibra carried out internal awareness raising among managers and employees with training and conversations about preparation for the reception and integration of immigrants. In addition, the company offers communication aimed at foreigners in their native languages.