Recently, the Vibra Agroindustrial units in Pato Branco (PR) and Sete Lagoas (MG) underwent an audit for certification of the British Retail Consortium (BRC) global food safety standard. The process assessed compliance with international food safety standards and guidelines.
The Pato Branco unit maintained its certification with an increase in grade to AA and Sete Lagoas received its first certification with an A grade. The results of these BRC audits attest to Vibra’s daily commitment to the quality of its products and processes.
As highlighted by the Food Safety and Quality Assurance Manager, Cristian Berton, grade A and AA certifications represent another step in the control and safety of the food produced by the brand. “It is a source of pride to reach this level, which gives us an even greater responsibility in the search for continuous improvement.”
Receiving BRC Certification means the organization has the opportunity to access the most demanding markets in the world. It ensures that the processes meet the highest international quality standards, providing consumers with a guarantee of safety, quality and origin.