One of the pillars that guide Vibra’s activities and is part of the company’s core values is environmental responsibility. The search for sustainability is present in initiatives with practices that contribute to reducing environmental impact and increasing benefits for society.
In 2021, through the Arborizar Project, Vibra planted 80 tree seedlings in the urban areas of the cities of Montenegro and Soledade, in Rio Grande do Sul. Among the native species chosen are the pitangueira, purple ipê, yellow ipê and cerejeira, all indicated for urban afforestation. After planting, the trees were also monitored by agronomists and biologists with the necessary care for the seedling development period.
In addition to planting, the Project also carries out environmental education activities and lectures in public and private schools. In addition to activities to raise awareness and the importance of trees in cities, educational booklets are provided to students.
In this edition, Vibra absorbed 13 tons of carbon through environmental action. Plants are responsible for reducing pollution and temperature, in addition to forming landscape corridors that will flourish and bear fruit, promoting environmental improvements.
A partner of the Arborizar Project since 2020, Vibra renews sponsorship for the 3rd edition and aims to plant another 80 tree seedlings by 2022.